ATCC medium 2693, Modified Dixon medium, mDixon, with Agar I 221g + 28ml
- Product Code: GMNB-MDM01
- Availability: 2-3 weeks
Tags: mDixon
Modified Dixon medium (mDixon | with agar)
ATCC medium: 2693 | for fungal culturing, especially ideal for the isolation and culture of Malassezia (Pityrosporum).
Bottle A (Powder) : 221 g
Bottle B (Tween 40) : 28 ml (~29g)
Per 1000mL of mDixon medium contains
Malt Extract 36 g
Desiccated Oxbile 20 g
Peptone 6 g
Glycerol 2 ml
Oleic Acid 2 ml
Agar 15 g
Tween 40 10 ml
Weigh 81.0 g powder from bottle A, take 10 ml Tween 40 (bottle B) [1], heat and dissolve well in 800 ml distilled water or MQ water, then make up to 1000 ml, aliquot if necessary. Autoclave at 121°C for 15min.
When cooled to around 50°C, add 50 mg of filter-sterilised Chloramphenicol per 1000 ml of the culture medium. Mix well, and pour into the sterile plate to be prepared for use.
[1] Before adding Tween 40, it is suggested to be warmed in a water bath at ~ 50°C for 10 minutes, to reduce the viscosity and make it easy to operate.
Note: This medium contains much oleic acid, and there will be a small amount of flocculent precipitate after sterilisation.