Mini Static CFPS Kit | 50 Rxns
Pre-order item. Please contact us for an order
Due to cold chain shipping, this product is only available to domestic customers in Australia for the time being.
E.Coli-based CFPS Mini kit / manual
- - Tube TX-P/T7 (red cap) T7 polymerase 100U/50μl
- - Tube TX-Ri (blue cap) RNase inhibitor 300U/50μl
- - Tube TX-Bf (white cap) 2X Transcription buffer including NTPs 0.1M/400μl
- - Tube TL-Ly (yellow cap) Ecoli Lysate(T7/T3/T5/Lac) 300μl
- - Tube TL-Bf (white cap) 5X translation buffer including AAs, ATP/GTP 150μl
- - Tube TL-Tc Rare codon tRNA / FA(optional) 20μl
- - Tube TL-R/S Redox GSH/GSSG disulfite-bond enhancer(optional) 40μl
- - Tube PC-A Positive Control vector pET-T7-6XHis-tag-sfGFP/pET-T7lac-6XHis-tag-sfGFP
- - Tube Primer (optional)
- - Tube EG-A ATP generation subsystem 500U/50μl
- - Tube EG-S ATP generation subsystem substrate stock 0.1M glucose/ 500μl
- - 5ml dialysis reaction tube *1
- - Tube W DEPC treated Million-Q water 1ml
Items required
- 1.5/2ml centrifuge tube *3
- 0.5~10μl pipette gun/head
- 20~200μl pipette gun/head
- RNase-free water(DEPC treated Million-Q water)
- 480nm blue light/ UV light
- Ni-NTA agarose resin
Quick protocol
- -Tube TX-P/T7 1μl
- -Tube TX-Ri 1μl
- -Tube TX-Bf 15μl
- -DNA template >500ng
- -Tube TL-Ly 15μl
- -Tube TL-Tf 6μl
- -Rnase free water makeup to 50μl
- -Shaking at 37℃ / 200rpm / 4~6h
*Reaction mix can be storage at -20℃ for further use
Standard protocol
1.1 Transcription Mix (TX mix) 20ul shaking at 37℃ 200rpm 1~2h
- -Tube TX-P/T7 1μl
- -Tube TX-TX-Ri 1μl
- -Tube TX-Bf 10μl
- -DNA template >500ng
- -Rnase free water makeup to 20μl
- * IPTG needed for T7 -Lac promoter
1.2 EGS mix 2~6 ul -20℃(Optional)
2.1 Translation reaction mix (TL mix) 30ul shaking at 37℃ / 230 rpm / 4~16h
- -Tube TL-Ly 15μl
- -Tube TL-Bf 6μl
- -Tube TL-Tc 1μl(Optional)
- -Tube TL-R/S 2μl(Optional)
- -EGS mix 2μl(Optional)
- -Rnase free water makeup to 30μl
3.1 Adding incubated TX mix into TL mix
3.2 Adding 2μl EGS mix into TL mix every 6h(Optional)